Company registration in India
No matter how small or big a company is, it is the shareholders’ responsibility to get it registered or incorporated in India. A company gets legality only via incorporation/registration. The process of getting your company registered includes four steps, namely;
- Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
- Director Identification Number(DIN)
- Fill an online form for new user registration
- Incorporation of the company and appointment of directors
- Mandatory fiscal registrations
Possession of a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
So as to ensure the authenticity and security of the online documents, Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for each director is mandatory as well. The Information Act 2000 requires the legitimate digital signature of the concerned authorities on all documents that are submitted online. When applying for the DSC, one needs to look for its validity and make sure to renew it to avoid any legal actions. Various firms including E&M; offer Company Registration Services in India that cover the DSC application as well.
Obtaining Director Identification Number (DIN)
The next step of registration requires all the directors of the company to get a Director Identification Number (DIN). The documentation requirements are more stringent for overseas directors. You can make this easier by contacting various registration firms like E&M; which provide you with excellent Company Registration Consultants in India.
Registering the company on the MCA Portal
The MCA portal is the portal of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of India, the regulator in charge of company law compliances. For a new company, you need to register yourself as a new user on the MCA Portal so as to carry out transactions and make online fee payments. This registration is free of cost and can be done very easily online. You can also hire Company Registration Consultant in Mumbai to get a better idea of the process.
Application to register your company
The company must finally be incorporated by providing information on shareholders, directors, authorized capital, paid-up capital, and registered office. The office address is also a thing of significant importance. This process is followed by filing various forms with the MCA. If you feel this process is complicated, you can hire Business Setup Consultants In Mumbai to ensure an easy flow of the process.
Fiscal registrations
Registrations with the Income Tax authorities are mandatory. These include getting a Permanent Account Number (PAN) which is a tax identification number and a Tax Deduction Number (TAN) which is a unique number for deducting tax from the company’s payees. These can either be done through the incorporation process or as separate processes with the Income Tax authorities. A good Company Registration Consultant in India would be able to assist you in completing this on an expedited basis.